Arriva in anticipo la quarta parte dell'intervista a Joe fatta da VH1, il giorno dell'uscita del suo progetto solista Breaking . Per rivedere le quelle precedenti: PRIMA PARTE | SECONDA | TERZA Nella quarta parte, Joe, parla del suo primo singolo Need a Woman by Fraiday e di come lui conquista le donne. Get More: Joe King , Joe King Music Videos , Free Music Videos Joe King knows a little something about keeping the ladies interested. Sure, he has a multi-platinum selling band under his belt and a solo EP Breaking which drops today, but the “Need A Woman By Friday” singer has a few tried-by-error methods to help get you a date by Friday night without all that (hint: listen to your mama). A few years before penning his apropos titled single, Joe ended a long relationship that lasted all of his 20′s. He copped to going through a few rough experiences before learning how to differentiate the crazies from the good catches. “I was just learning the...